August 8, 2018 @ 7:00 pm

The Stack Em Straight is a straw stacking contest for teams of three. Cost per team is $20 and must be submitted by August 8 by 5:00 pm. Spaces are limited and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Here is an example of how the race works; a team of three will get into their truck. When given the sign, the team will exit their vehicle and begin stacking the bales of straw onto their team’s truck. After the team has loaded all 40 bales of straw, all team members get back into their truck and proceed through the obstacle course. After completing the obstacle course, team members exit the vehicle and stack all of the bales back onto the wagon. After the bales are stacked neatly, all team members run to get inside their vehicle. Once the doors of the truck are closed, the timer stops. Teams will then be given penalties and crowd credit. The fastest three team are awarded prize money. (Download full rules and registration form)

Stack ‘em Straight Contest