August 11, 2021 @ 12:00 pm
Jr. Fair Show Arena

The order for cattle will be:

  • beef breeding/steer showmanship
  • feeder showmanship
  • beef breeding classes
  • feeder market classes
  • steer market classes
  • Seneca County locally grown contest The Seneca County Locally Grown contest forms are available on the fair website.  The Seneca County Locally Grown forms MUST be filled out and turned in at the same time as your Fair registration form (June 30th)!

All registration papers for purebreds need to be turned into the Jr. Fair office before show day.  Show orders will be posted in the barn the day before the show.  Show orders for spectators will be placed on a table in the barn 30 minutes prior to the start of the show. Water bottles will be provided only to the exhibitors during the show. This will take place in the new building.

Cattle Judging